About Me

The importance of a balanced Early Childhood Development programme for future academic success was already pointed out by practitioners and researchers in the 20th century. However, during the past few decades, our knowledge about the developing child has increased dramatically. We now have a much richer understanding of the intricate relation between the cognitive, emotional, social and physical development in the early years and formal schooling. This knowledge enables us to provide an Early Childhood programme that is both in line with children’s developmental milestones and the requirements of the 21st century.

Core Beliefs
At Kleutermaatjies, we have 6 core beliefs that serve as the framework for our ECD programme. They are informed by the latest research from the interdisciplinary field of Mind, Brain and Education - combining Psychology, Cognitive Science and Pedagogy into everyday teaching practice.

Learning happens in human brains and results in permanent changes to long term memory.

Learning is both incremental and dependent on prior knowledge. Therefore, a comprehensive vocabulary and contextual general knowledge is a necessity for school readiness.

The human brain is embodied meaning we learn via our senses and our bodies. Hence, we firmly believe in directed play-based learning.

Due to the brain's inherent neuroplasticity, every child has the ability to learn.

Milestones such as fine- and gross-motor skills, language, numeracy and many more are tied to the brain's architecture and development.

Emotional and physical well-being are key requirements for intellectual success.
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