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About Us

Kleutermaatjies is a unique and exclusive learning centre for children aged 3 months to 5 years.

Our exceptional facilities and picturesque playgrounds provide the perfect setting to ensure that your child is cared for and taught in a stimulating and peaceful environment.


Our Early Childhood Education programme is comprehensive and research-informed, striking a balance between the psychological, physical and intellectual development of each child. In re-designing the MinuGenius, we not only considered local public and private pre-school and primary school guidelines and requirements but also international best practice. The result, we believe, is an exceptional Early Childhood Development programme that will ensure your child is ready for your prefered primary school:


  • The formal academic programme focuses on building the comprehensive knowledge base and rich vocabulary that is so crucial for comprehension and reading mastery in later grades. (Arguably the cornerstone of all future academic success.)

  • The physical component of our programme includes both directed play-based learning and free play, ensuring that each child has the best opportunity to develop the necessary gross and fine motor skills – not only to live a healthy life but also to master essential academic skills. 

  • The social and emotional skills of children are developed throughout the various focus areas – enhanced by a caring, secure and accepting environment allowing each child the opportunity to learn, play and thrive.


Of special significance for parents is our partnership model. Research informs us that parents play an indispensable role in the development of their children - not only in a general sense but also specifically in their academic development. For this reason, our communication to parents include activities, reading lists and reports that tie into the daily teaching activities at school. We also strongly encourage daily home language storytime and provide guidelines to this effect.



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